Varmt välkommen till Stilla Eftertanke

Varmt välkommen till Stilla Eftertanke

Hämta hem dina sinnen

måndag 9 december 2013

The NIKE Blast 2014 - WILLPOWER

IT IS ON! Anmälan till The NIKE Blast 2014 har nu öppnats!
Missa inte att anmäla dig idag för det går fort nu...
Här hittar ni mig och mina klasser

WILLPOWER (step dance)
Break up the encrypted combinations, break through the creative process and move to break even as you break down those step elements to make you succeed this high intensity rhythmic workout. Move thru multiple movement planes, intensity levels and challenge turns to discover the mystery who involve a 32 count, bilateral combination over and around the step.

This class will show you different drills that you should be doing on a regular basis if you are a runner. Cross training is huge to making you a better, more efficient and safe runner and this class will show you how to do that. In order to become a stronger runner you must do other types of training, not just run more. Take this class to experience a specific way to cross train for running.

NTC Yoga is for people who want to move, sweat, and power up the physical aspect of yoga without losing the essence of breath and focus. It's an athlete's approach to the benefits of yoga that yield stronger, longer, and suppler muscles.

Det kommer att bli galet bra!!!

Vi ses

3 kommentarer:

Anna (Orka mera) sa...

Vi ses på de två sista :)

Stillaeftertanke sa...

Jaaaa vad kul. Alltså step och Yoga? Kramen

Anna (Orka mera) sa...

Nej, train to run och yoga. Jättenyfiken på koncepten och ska bli hur kul som helst att prova! Kram tillbaka!